Teach Your Dog to WANT to Listen to You: Anytime, Anywhere

With Manners Mastery, you'll receive your custom training plan designed by a Certified Dog Trainer and live one-on-one training sessions via Zoom to guide you every step of the way.

Logo for Manners Mastery: Outline of Dog with outline of Pink heart in the middle with text "manners mastery" under

Are you frustrated because you've tried everything and your dog STILL doesn't listen to you?

You wish your dog would reliably listen to you anytime, anywhere, and with a variety of distractions.

Watch the free training:

'how to train your dog to be as well-behaved as a Service Dog' below 👇

Watch the video above to learn how to:

  • uplevel your dog's manners so they not only listen to you inside but can listen to you outside in distracting environments.
  • better understand WHY your dog isn't listening in the first place so that you're able to get your dog's focus - anytime, anywhere.
  • Advance the four essential behaviors to train a well-behaved dog, everyone is impressed with!

If you've said any of these, you're not alone...

"Is my dog even trainable...he's SO stubborn!"

"I've tried everything - she's just so overexcited & psycho!"

"It's like he's deaf the second we go outside!"

"Maybe it's just me?" or "My dog is a lost cause!"

Whether it's to prep your dog for public access, pass the Canine Good Citizen exam, keep your dog safe, or to be able to take your furry friend along with you to the office, having a dog who reliably wants to listen to you is key to living the best life possible with your dog.


Imagine the pride and accomplishment you'll feel when you're complimented by your friends, family, and even strangers because your dog is so well-mannered.

Imagine having a pro dog trainer with you, helping you stay on track to smash your training goals (and making sure you don't accidentally set yourself back).

Imagine the amazing bond and connection you'll develop with your furry friend when you can include them in all your hobbies and activities – no worries about their disruptive behavior or safety!

Imagine all of the mental health benefits both you & your dog will experience when reaching your training goals - whether that be public access, become a therapy dog team, or just have a *really, really* well trained dog!

But how do you make this your reality?

Introducing: The five pillars of a well-behaved dog.

Meet your dog's needs

Identify your dog's physical & mental needs, and build it into a schedule to integrate it into your week.

ABC's of Dog Training

Prevent undesirable behaviors by understanding when to ask your dog to perform an incompatible & more desirable behavior.

3 D's of Dog Training

Advance the 4 essential behaviors your dog must master to be the best behaved version of themselves.

Body Language

Understand what your dog is communicating by learning how to observe subtle body language signals.

Universal Cues

The secret to service dogs/therapy dogs are that they don't have to know the most 'tricks' or behaviors to be well-behaved in public: they've mastered just a few of what I call, 'Universal Cues.'

There are two ways I can help you

train a well-mannered dog.

Option 1: Manners Mastery Custom Training Plan

A custom training plan you can implement with 1 month of support from a Certified Dog Trainer.


Option 2: Manners Mastery Custom Training Plan + 3 months of Support

A 3-month intensive step-by-step program with weekly live training sessions + homework to ensure you reach your goals.


Manners Training Plan is a 90-minute consultation + a step-by-step training plan designed by a Certified Dog Trainer to give you the exact steps you need to take to uplevel your dog's manners.

What's included?

  • 1 Initial Consultation (90 minutes) via Zoom, to review your dog's information and build your training plan
  • 4 30-minute coaching calls per month (12 total)
  • 2 video reviews per week (32 total)
  • Guidance on your training plan based on your PAWgress Tracker.

Manners Mastery is a 3-month one-on-one service designed to unleash your dog's full potential, so you can bring your dog to more places without worrying about their disruptive behavior or safety.

Think of this as 3-month boot camp training for you and your dog. You get everything in the Manners Plan, but also 3-months of video reviews, weekly calls, and support to ensure you're implementing the plan correctly.

What's included?


One 90 minute Consultation via Zoom + Training Plan

Based on your intake form, you'll receive a custom and personalized training plan for you + your dog to follow step-by-step. We will review the plan during our initial consultation and work on basic training mechanics with you + your dog on Zoom.


Four 30-min check-in calls monthly (12 total)

When dog training, it's important to remember that timing is everything. It's easy to watch someone else do it, but getting feedback on your own timing and delivery of rewards is crucial to successful training.


It's like having a Certified Dog Trainer in your pocket

You'll get your own PAWgress Tracker, where you'll track your training each day, the time you trained, and the amount of mental stimulation & physical exercise your dog received each day. Through the PAWgress Tracker, we can identify any patterns or routines that cause your dog to struggle with training. For example, some dogs THRIVE on more exercise, while others tend to do better with more mental stimulation. The PAWgress tracker allows you to really get to know your own dog, and their individual needs.


Improve your training timing and skills with feedback on your homework.

Submit 2 videos per week and get feedback on your training. Getting video feedback on your training is invaluable. Not only will you have a better understanding of timing and areas of improvement with your training mechanics, but your trainer will also point out subtle body language cues that show what your dog is thinking. No matter how much you research body language, there is no better way to better understand your individual dog, than to record video, and get direct feedback from a trainer.

Mastering Manners

You'll learn to advance & apply the 4 essential universal behaviors as it relates to your goals.

Hand target (touch) for leave it, recall, redirecting from jumping/chewing; Stationing (go to your 'place' or 'bed') for calm guest greetings, learning to 'chill out' at home or on the patio while you enjoy brunch or coffee with friends, preventing counter surfing and barking; loose leash walking (heel) for taking relaxing walks with your dog, taking them along with you to Home Depot, being able to stay calm around another dog; stay so your dog doesn't rush out doorways and learns self control.

Manners Training Plan VS Manners Mastery

Goldendoodle with talk bubble that says 'note: option 1 cost can be used toward manners mastery if you decide you'd like more support.'

What others had to say...

Hey there, dog pawrent!

My name is Lisa Gallegos, CPDT-KA

I'm a Certified Professional Dog Trainer with 10+ years of experience. During that time, I've had the pleasure of helping countless clients better communicate with their beloved pups.

My approach to dog training is centered around force-free, positive reinforcement. Research shows that this is the best way to help dogs learn and make lasting behavior change. Through the use of rewards, treats, and praise, I've helped dogs of all breeds & ages overcome behavioral challenges, learn new skills, and become well-behaved members of their families.

Over the years, I've received countless messages from grateful clients who have seen significant improvements in their dogs' behavior and overall happiness. It's truly heartwarming to know that I've been able to make such a positive difference in their lives.

But the truth is, the real heroes in all of this are the dogs themselves. Watching them learn and grow, and seeing the joy on their faces when they succeed, is what makes this job so incredibly rewarding.

If you're looking for a trainer who can help you better communicate with your furry friend and create a stronger, more loving bond, look no further! Let's work together to create a happy, healthy, and well-behaved pup that you can be proud of.

But maybe you catch yourself thinking...

"How much time will I need to commit?"

Around 30 minutes per day

It's important to remember that training doesn't happen in a vacuum - your dog is always learning! Meaning, you'll always need to consider what you are reinforcing or not (we'll touch on this together); however, in general, about 30 minutes total per day is what you'll have to commit to find success in the program.

"When can I start"

You can start right away after purchase!

Right after purchase, you will receive login access to the online learning content. You can view this information on the web, or download the Pawsome Pups App to easily view the content from your phone. From there, you'll receive a link to book your weekly check-in calls.

"What are your qualifications?"

What you should look for in a dog trainer

Great question, considering dog training is an unregulated industry here in the US. I am certified through the CCPDT (Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers) which requires their trainers to stay current on the most up-to-date training methods. When looking for a dog trainer, it's important to ensure they're certified through a reputable organization, use force-free/science based methods, and are staying up-to-date with continuing education.

"Can I begin this program later?"

Honestly, the best time to start was before you got your dog.

Your dog is ALWAYS learning - the issue is sometimes they learn the wrong thing. The more your dog practices unfavorable behaviors, the stronger those neuropathways get...making it take even longer to break those bad habits. No matter how many videos you watch, if you're implementing incorrectly (i.e., with bad timing) you won't realize what you're doing incorrectly.

"Do I need to be techy?"

As long as you know how to use Zoom, you'll be ok!

We meet via Zoom and recommend you download and understand how to use the Zoom app on your phone. 

We also work out of a Google Spreadsheet - if you've never used Google Sheets before, don't worry, you'll receive tutorials on how to fill out your PAWgress Tracker.

"Is it better to hire an in-person trainer?"

I've had more success with virtual training.

There are pros and cons to both...But virtual training requires YOU to learn how to train (without relying on the trainer). A lot of times, people see success VERY quickly when I work in their home, but the second I leave they really struggle to do the training on their own. The best way to learn is to get more training time under your belt (rather than watch others do it). Bonus: your dog won't be distracted by the trainer being in your home.