black lab wearing 'service dog in training' harness. Above him, the title that say 'prep your dog for public access + service dog work'




See what you and your service dog in training will have to prep for, in order to be a well-behaved pup out in public:

  • FULL list of test items that you & your dog should prepare before being ready for public access
  • STOP feeling confused - see exactly what you & your dog need to work on, in order to train for public access
  • Reference as you + your dog work together as a team to measure progress and assess strengths/weaknesses.

Disclaimer: Downloading this guide does not mean your dog is a service dog. This free guide should be used as a reference, not any proof of training, and COLLAB Dog Training does not certify service dog teams.


Hi there!

My name is Lisa Gallegos, CPDT-KA

As a Certified Professional Dog Trainer with over 10 years of experience, I've had the pleasure of assisting numerous clients in improving communication with their beloved furry friends. My approach is centered around positive reinforcement with a focus on force-free training. Research indicates that it is the most effective way to inspire lasting behavioral change in dogs.

Service dogs have the power to transform lives, providing a new level of freedom to their handlers. It's wonderful that you're embarking on a journey to train a service dog, and I want you to know that I'm here to offer guidance every step of the way. Please don't hesitate to send me a message on Instagram - you can find me at @CollabDogTraining - if you have any questions along the way.

Best of luck prepping for the public access test!

Black lab in 'service dog in training' red and black vest, walking never to a woman with brown hair, wearing all black, and a fanny pack saying 'snack leader.' Both are walking in a park full of wild plants.
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