Dog-safe INDOOR plants – do they exist?
Looking for dog-friendly indoor plants?
If you’re a plant-lover (or want to start being a plant-lover like me) and a dog parent, you probably know that many indoor plants can be toxic to dogs. Unfortunately, by not having plants in your home, you aren’t taking advantage of the benefits of natural air purification.
The good news is, there are actually plenty of dog-friendly indoor plant options out there.
Disclaimer – just because a plant is considered ‘non-toxic’ to pets, doesn’t mean you should let your dog eat them! Ingesting large amounts of plants can cause intestinal blockage, and there is still potential your dog could have an allergic reaction to plants.
Let’s check out some indoor plants that won’t harm your pup.
Dog-Friendly Indoor Plants
- Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum): According to the ASPCA, spider plants are non-toxic to both dogs and cats. Plus, Spider Plants are low-maintenance and can purify the air in your home.
- Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata): Boston ferns are gorgeous with their lush fronds, and they’re also safe for your pup to be around. These plants enjoy humidity, so make sure you’re giving them a good misting, and ensure that the soil doesn’t try out.
- Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens): Looking for a tropical vibe in your home? Areca palms are an excellent choice and they won’t hurt your dog. All you need is a light room for them to grow in.
- African Violet (Saintpaulia): These little plants come in a bunch of colors and they’re also non-toxic to dogs. If you’re looking to add some pop to your home, African Violets are an excellent choice.
- Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii): Bamboo palms are chill and don’t need a lot of light to survive. BONUS: In addition to being safe for dogs, bamboo palms have another cool feature: they’re one of NASA’s Clean Air varieties. This means they’re great at purifying the air in your home, and removing harmful toxins like formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene. So not only do they look great, but they can also help you breathe easier. And of course, your pup can enjoy their presence without any harm. It’s a win-win-win!
- Peperomia (Peperomia obtusifolia): Peperomia plants are small + easy to care for. They come in different colors and shapes (in fact, there are over 1500 varieties) and are also non-toxic to your dog.
- Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera): If you love the holiday season, this plant is perfect as the flowers bloom indoors in the winter. Christmas cacti won’t cause any harm to your pup, so they’re the perfect HOWL-iday decoration.
- Haworthia (Haworthiopsis): Haworthias are succulents that are easy to care for and come in different shapes and colors. They love a lot of light, so a bright windowsill is a perfect spot for these guys. They’re also dog-friendly!
- Polka Dot Plant (Hypoestes phyllostachya): Polka dot plants are colorful and cute, and they won’t hurt your furry friend. They’re a great way to add some cheer to your home.
- Friendship Plant (Pilea involucrata): Friendship plants are small and low-maintenance, but they’ll still make your room look fresh. They’re totally safe for your pup too.
With these indoor plants, you can enjoy a green home with clean healthy air, without worrying about your furry friend’s safety. Not only will you be healthier because of your dog (yes, dogs are good for your health) but you’ll also have cleaner air!

Remember that even though these plants are safe for dogs, they can still cause tummy troubles if your dog eats too much. Always make sure you keep an eye on your dog (especially if they’re young puppies) and call your vet if you’re ever concerned.