In-person services available in Arvada, Broomfield, Westminster, and North Denver. Virtual services available for everyone.

Pricing & service options

We offer a range of pricing and services to accommodate your budget and the level of support you need. The prices listed below reflect the cost of a single session—total costs will vary based on your training skills, your dog’s current level, and any prior training completed. During our initial consultation, we’ll work together to create a customized monthly package tailored to your needs, based on our assessment and the information you provide.

Please note that while we strive to achieve the best possible results, we cannot guarantee specific outcomes. Packages are billed monthly, and if at any point we determine that your dog may not be suitable for service dog work, we will inform you promptly.

FAQS about our service dog program

What documents do you require?

Once you’ve submitted your application, we’ll reach out to you with a more detailed intake form. At this stage, we’ll also request additional documentation, including:

  • A letter of medical indication from your medical or mental health provider (we can provide a template/example letter) 
  • A completed veterinary health form from your veterinarian, along with up-to-date vaccination records (we can provide a template to your veterinarian)
  • Your Canine Good Citizen certificate (if skipping phase 1)
  • Videos demonstrating your dog’s leash-walking, reactions to other dogs, and responses to body handling
Can I legally have a service dog?

Under the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), individuals with disabilities have the legal right to have a service dog to assist them with tasks related to their disability.

For enrollment in our program, we require a letter of medical indication from a licensed medical or mental health professional. This letter confirms your need for a service dog as part of managing your disability.

What phase should I enroll in?
You can download our phase checklists here to determine which phase is right for your dog. Please note that the temperament checklist applies to all dogs in the program, regardless of their enrolled phase.
Can you help me select a service dog?

For those looking to obtain a service dog, we recommend taking the service dog selection course from Atlas Assistance Dogs.

What types of service dogs do you train?

We specialize in training service dogs for a wide range of disabilities, including psychiatric and psychological conditions, as well as  balance, and other physical/neurological disabilities.  Please note: We do not train Guide Dogs for the blind. 

For more details on types of service dogs, check out our blog post on this exact topic!

Is my dog too young/old?

We encourage starting puppy training as early as possible to support proper development – especially during their critical socialization period which closes at around 12-16 weeks. Because service dog work can be demanding, we do not recommend beginning service dog training after 5 years old. 

Can any dog breed be a service dog?

While we frequently work with Labs & Goldens due to the fact that they typically possess the ideal temperament and trainability for service dog work, we have worked with a variety of breeds including pit bulls/terrier mixes, australian shepherds, and super mutts!   We focus on the individual dog’s temperament and motivation to learn, rather than a specific breed.