While there are many service dog tasks for anxiety, deep pressure therapy is one of the common psychiatric service dog tasks that those with anxiety can benefit from! Additionally, deep pressure therapy can also be beneficial for those with PTSD, ADHD, and many other psychiatric disabilities.
Read on for more information on deep pressure therapy.
Service Dog Tasks for Anxiety
Service dog tasks for anxiety will depend on each individual’s needs, but a common and easy to teach behavior (especially for those getting started) is to teach deep pressure therapy.
As your dog advances, some other great service dog tasks for anxiety include: graceful exit (those with social anxiety can find this one especially helpful), interruption (to help interrupt self harming behaviors, or nail biting), medication retrieval, medication reminders, and more.

Variations on deep pressure therapy that can help anxiety include (but are not limited to):
Chin Rest
A chin rest is a behavior where you dog rests their chin on your leg when you show signs of anxiety, overwhelm, stress, or panic.
Full Down

The ‘full down’ is the most grounding variation of deep pressure therapy, in my opinion. Your dog will lay down on you while sitting to provide deep pressure. This is great for when you’re sitting on the floor while stressed at home, or if you take a moment to sit down while struggling with anxious thoughts.
Standing Pressure
Standing pressure can help in moments you need to ground down.
I have anxiety, and I can say there are moments where I almost have a panic attack in store, and grounding pressure is the only thing that will help calm me down!
If you have social anxiety, or get generally overwhelmed being in crowded or public places, the standing deep pressure variation may be one you want to teach your dog!
Want a tutorial on standing deep pressure therapy? In the video below, I go over all three variations, so hit ‘play’ and follow along with your dog!
Getting a PSYCHIATRIC Service Dog for Anxiety
If you’re wondering how to even get started, a great first step is to get a doctor’s note. From there, (in the US) you can start self-training. Service Dog in Training laws will vary by state; however, in Colorado, they have similar rights to service dogs.
Furthermore, for those on a budget, Atlas Assistance Dogs is an excellent option in the US.